Boards, Commissions & Authorities
457 Deferred Compensation Board shall serve to oversee the Plan and make such discretionary decisions as may be required for the administration of the Plan. The Board's duties will include a quarterly review of performance of Service Providers and their offerings, and receiving and considering any comments or suggestions concerning the Plan which are presented by Plan Participants. The Board is also permitted by the Plan to adopt Plan Amendments which are deemed by counsel to be legally required or other amendments which do not substantially increase costs, contributions or benefits and do not materially affect the eligibility, vesting or benefit accrual or allocation provisions of the Plan.
The Board will consist of five members: 1) the Director of Human Resources or his/her designee by title, 2) the Director of Finance or his/her designee by title, 3) a general government employee who is a Plan Participant to be selected by the City Manager, 4) a Public Safety employee who is a Plan Participant to be selected by the Mayor in his/her capacity as the Director of Public Safety, and 5) a volunteer from the business community with expertise in the administration of deferred compensation plans nominated and confirmed by Council. The first two positions will be ex-officio voting members with no term limit. The persons appointed to fill positions 3,4, and 5 will be appointed for terms of three year terms and may succeed themselves for one additional term. -
Columbus Metropolitan Airport is responsible for the operation of the Columbus Metropolitan Airport. It has five members. The commission itself nominates three individuals for each vacancy. The Columbus Council fills the vacancies from the commission's nominees. The term of office is five years. (Ordinance No. 11-23 removes the limitation of two full consecutive terms for this authority.)
The Animal Control Advisory Board should monitor the operation of the animal services division and render guidance and assistance. The board shall have nine voting members and three nonvoting members to be appointed as follows: One Georgia licensed veterinarian shall serve as a voting member; he/she need not be a resident of Columbus. The Georgia licensed veterinarian shall be appointed for a two-year term; One Georgia veterinary technician currently working in Muscogee County shall serve as a voting member; he/she need not be a resident of Columbus. The Georgia veterinary technician shall be appointed for a two-year term; A designated representative of PAWS Columbus, Inc. confirmed by the Columbus Council shall serve as an ex-officio non-voting member. The PAWS Columbus Board Member shall be appointed to serve a two-year term and may only serve three terms consecutively; A representative of a licensed animal shelter or rescue operating in Muscogee County shall serve as a voting member. The appointment shall be recommended by the licensed animal shelter or rescue and then nominated and confirmed by the Columbus Council; they need not be residents of Columbus. This representative shall be appointed to serve a two-year term and may only serve three terms consecutively; Five citizens to be selected by the Columbus Council shall serve as voting members. The citizen members shall be appointed to serve two-year terms, except for the initial appointments upon adoption of this chapter, one citizen shall be appointed to a one-year term and one citizen shall be appointed to a two-year term. The citizen board members may only serve three terms consecutively; An employee of the Environmental Health Division, Columbus Department of Public Health shall serve as a non-voting member of the board. The board member is to be appointed by the county board of health and confirmed by the Columbus Council; The contract administrator identified by the Mayor and approved by the Council in any contract between the consolidated government and a non-profit licensed shelter to provide animal control division services for Columbus shall be a voting ex-officio member of the board and the animal services director shall be a nonvoting ex-officio member of the board. (As amended by Ordinance No. 24-065)
It shall be the responsibility of the audit committee to provide independent review and oversight of a government's financial reporting processes, internal controls and external auditors. The audit committee’s functions may include: (a) participating in the process of selecting or retaining the consolidated government’s independent external auditor; (b) communicating directly with the external auditor on at least an annual basis to review the work of the external auditor as to the scope of the annual audit and any matters of concern with respect to internal controls; and (c) reviewing any reports of the internal auditor in advance of their presentation to Council. The internal auditor of the consolidated government will be available to provide information and technical assistance to the Committee. The Council shall bi-annually designate two of its members and three external members to serve as an audit committee. The external members will be required to have a finance, governmental or accounting background. Two external members will be chosen by the Mayor, and one external member to be chosen by City Council. No member may serve more than six continuous years. The terms shall be two years and members may serve three consecutive terms (Ref. of 11-8-22)
This board was established for the purpose of carrying out the duties heretofore exercised by the Muscogee County Board of elections and the Muscogee County Board of Registrars and which have the powers relating to the conduct of elections and primaries and the registration of voters and absentee balloting procedures that are provided for in the laws of Georgia. It has five (5) members, consisting of one each from the two (2) major political parties and three appointed by the Columbus Council. (Act No 149 (H.B. 941) signed into law by the Governor on April 4, 1991) Its executive director is also appointed by the Columbus Council. The term of office is four years. (Ordinance No. 11-23 removes the limitation of two full consecutive terms for this board.)
This board is responsible for the operation of the Columbus Department of Family and Children Services. It has five (5) members which are appointed by the Columbus Council. (O.C.G.A. 49-3-2 and Columbus Charter Sec. 4-602)
This board is responsible for the operation of the Columbus Department of Public Health. It has seven (7) members, two (2) of which must be licensed and practicing physicians and three other citizens members, all of which are appointed by the Columbus Council. The Mayor and the City Manager serve in the other two positions by virtue of their titles. (GA Laws 1941, Page 937 and Columbus Charter, Sec. 4-601)
This board was established for the purpose of honoring deceased citizens through a continuing memorial program under which public activities, buildings, bridges and other facilities may be named for citizens who have distinguished themselves through services to the city. It has seven (7) members, all of which must be former elected official of Muscogee County. All of its members are appointed by the Columbus Council. (Columbus Code, Sec. 2-81 through 2-87) Members are eligible to succeed themselves, pursuant to Ordinance No. 02-109 and Ordinance No. 11-23.
Members are appointed by the Columbus Council. It has five members who must meet special qualifications as required by Georgia Law. The term is six years. (O.C.C.G., Sec.48-5-290 and 48-5-291, Columbus Charter, Sec. 4-624, and Columbus Code, Sec. 19-21 through 19-29)
This board has the responsibility for the operations of the Columbus Water Works. It is established by Act No 54, adopted by the General Assembly of Georgia on December 3, 1902. (GA Laws 1902, Page 370-377) It has five (5) members. The Mayor serves as one of the five members, the other four are appointed by the Columbus Council in the month of July for terms beginning the following January. (GA Law 1902, Page 370-377, Columbus Charter, Sec. 4-600) The term of office is four (4) years.
This board is responsible for deciding appeals and granting variances relative to the enforcement of the zoning regulations. It has five (5) members, which are appointed by the Columbus Council. The terms are three years (Columbus Code, Sec. 9.2.4)
This board issues bonds to finance the construction and/or improvements of public facilities. It has five members, with one member being appointed the Mayor and four are appointed by the Columbus Council. The term is two years. (1945 Constitution, Art. VII, Sec. VI, Pa. 1, as amended Nov. 5, 1968 Ga Laws 1966, Pg. 946) (Ordinance No. 11-23 removes the limitation of two full consecutive terms for this authority.)
The Civic Center Advisory Board was created to advise on the operations of the Columbus Civic Center. It has thirteen (13) members, two members are appointed by the Mayor and eleven are appointed by the Columbus Council. The Mayor shall appoint one of the two members from the membership of the Columbus Hockey Association or successor entity thereof. The other member shall be the President of the Columbus Hockey Association. The President of said Association is eligible to serve as long as he or she holds said office. One member from each of the eight council districts shall be appointed by respective district councilors and two at-large members shall be appointed by at-large councilors. Members shall not serve more than two consecutive 3-year terms.
If the Columbus Hockey Association President is not a Columbus resident, the president shall appoint an officer from the Columbus Hockey Association who resides in Columbus.
The Columbus Golf Course Authority is responsible for the operation of the "Bull Creek Golf Course, Fountain City Golf Course and Oxbow Meadows Golf Course" wherever the terms "Bull Creek Golf Course" or "golf course" appear in Ordinance No. 82-29 and amended April 8, 1997 by the adoption of Ordinance 97-35. It has (9) members, all of which are appointed by the Columbus Council.
The Columbus Ironworks Convention & Trade Center Authority was established to supervise the manager, employees, buildings, grounds and operations of the Columbus Iron Works Convention and Trade Center. It has five (5) members, all of which are nominated by the Mayor and confirmed by the Columbus Council. Members shall be qualified voters of Columbus. The terms are three years.
The Commission on International Relations and Cultural Liaison Encounters promotes and coordinates communication, contacts and encounters between Columbus and the people of other nations and facilitates cross-culture communications and association among the various national groups in Columbus. It has twelve (12) members, with four members being appointed by the Mayor and eight being appointed by the Columbus Council. The terms are four years.
At least six members must be United States citizens and registered Columbus voters, but because of the Commission’s mission, up to half of the members need not meet this criteria. (Ordinance No. 96-7)
The Community Development Advisory Council provides an advisory function to the City Council of The Consolidated Government through its (departments and staff), an annual program plan for the Community Development Block Program and other Federal Grant programs administered by the Community and Economic Development Department; to provide a forum for the exchange of ideas and considering decisions regarding the Community Development Program and other Federal Grant programs; to provide a vehicle for communicating community needs between the citizens, Community and Economic Development Staff, other Departments and the City Council of Columbus, Georgia; to assist in determining the communities needs on all grant applications for Community Block Grant funds and other available HUD Grant funds; to monitor program development (progress on approved projects) and routinely review expenditures as outlined in applications for funding; and to recommend programs, activities or projects to Community and Economic Development Staff to be under taken by the Community Development Block Grant funds and other HUD Grant Programs. There are ten members (one from each Council District) and three members from the neighborhood strategy redevelopment and revitalization areas and community recommended by Community Development Staff to be appointed by the Mayor. Members appointed by Council shall serve for two-year terms and members appointed by Mayor shall serve for three-year terms.
The Convention & Visitors Board of Commissioners was established to promote tourism, trade, and conventions in Columbus. It has nine (9) members, three shall represent the hotel/motel industry, three shall represent the restaurant/retail trade, and three shall serve at-large. Members are nominated by the Mayor and confirmed by the Columbus Council. The appointments are to be in July of each year prior to the expiration of the term with the new appointment term to begin in January. The terms are three years.
The Cooperative Extension Advisory Board shall serve in an advisory capacity to the Department of Cooperative Extension Service and the University of Georgia Extension Service for the consideration of policies of the department and recommendations for its administration and program development throughout the community. Even though this original charter section was repealed in 1980, the board continues to function. It has five members which are appointed by the Columbus Council.
The Crime Prevention Board shall establish and recommend the process and method for awarding service agreements to various agencies for the delivery of crime prevention programs. This board also reviews and selects for recommendation to the City Council those service agreements that meet the standards and criteria for funding. It has seven (7) members. The Mayor shall appoint the chairperson; one member from a local law enforcement agency to serve two-year terms; one education community representative (MCSD, Columbus Technical College or Columbus State University) three year terms; one member shall serve as a Fort Benning Liaison for three year terms. The Columbus Council shall appoint the remaining three members of the crime prevention board from citizens at large. two of these three members shall be appointed from different senatorial districts serving the city in the state general assembly. These three members shall serve a term of three-years.
The Development Authority of Columbus issues bonds to finance private industrial and business projects. Functions in Columbus, Georgia for the purpose of developing and promoting for the public good and welfare trade, commerce, industry and employment opportunities in said political subdivision thereby promoting the general welfare of the citizenry. Its seven (7) members shall be residents and taxpayers of Columbus and are appointed by Council. Four-year terms.
The mission of the Employee Benefits Committee is to advise and assist the Mayor and Columbus Council with respect to issues concerning the benefits provided to employees of the Columbus, Georgia Consolidated Government, including but not limited to, provision of a health plan, life insurance coverage, voluntary deferred compensation and similar benefits. The Employee Benefits Committee shall be composed of seven (7) members, five of which shall be appointed by the Columbus Council, including two department directors or assistant directors. The sixth member shall be selected by general government employees and the seventh member shall be selected by public safety employees. The five members appointed by Council shall consist of one sworn officer from any public safety department, two members chosen from general government employees and two department directors or assistant directors. The Director of Human Resources or his or her designee shall be an ex-officio member of the Committee. The public safety appointees shall serve for terms of two years. The general government and department director appointees shall serve for terms of three years. All appointees shall be eligible to serve two consecutive full terms. (In accordance with Ordinance 13-9, members do not have to be residents of Columbus, Georgia.)
This board encourages preservation, maintenance and improvements of buildings of historic and/or architectural significance within the Historic Districts. It has eleven (11) members appointed by the Columbus Council, one architect registered in the State of Georgia, one member of the Columbus Homebuilders Association, one members of the Historic Columbus Foundation, one member of the Historic District Preservation Society, one member of the Columbus Board of Realtors, one member of the Uptown Business Association, one member of the Liberty Cultural Center, Inc., two members who are residents of historic districts created by the Columbus Council, and two members serving at-large. (Columbus Code, Sec. 9.3.1 through 9.3.16)Historic & Architectural Review Board
This board is responsible for the operation of Muscogee Manor and Highland House nursing homes. It has nine members. The Columbus Council makes three nominations for each vacancy. The authority itself actually fills the vacancies from the Council's nominees. The terms are three years. (O.C.G.A. Sec 31-7-72 and Columbus Charter, Sec. 4-621) (Ordinance No. 11-23 removes the limitation of two full consecutive terms for this authority.) The Hospital Authority Bylaws allows for three consecutive terms. Hospital Authority of Columbus
Housing Authority of Columbus
This board is responsible for all public housing projects. It is also, in conjunction with the Department of Community Development, responsible for the various urban renewal projects. It has seven (7) members, all of which are appointed exclusively by the Mayor. The term is five years. (Ga Laws, 1937, Page 210 and Columbus Charter, Sec. 4-620) (Increased by one member approved by Res. No. 444-99 pursuant to O.C.G.A. Sec. 8-3-50 appoint a Resident Advisory Board Member. (Ordinance No. 11-23 removes the limitation of two full consecutive terms for this authority.) -
Keep Columbus Beautiful Commission
This board was established to work in conjunction with Keep America Beautiful, Inc. to achieve the goal of sustained reduction in litter as a first step towards improving the environment. In accordance with Ordinance 22-057, the membership has been reduced from 25 members to 9 members, with three (3) members residing in Senatorial District 15, three (3) members residing in Senatorial District 29 and the remaining three (3) members will be At-Large representative. The Chairperson and Vice Chairperson of the Keep Columbus Beautiful Commission shall be elected by a majority vote of appointed commissioners. The Chairperson shall vote only in the event of a tie or only in the event that a vote of the chairperson would result in the majority necessary for any commission action. (Columbus Code, Sec. 2-131 through 2-138 (e) -
Land Bank Authority
This board was established to acquire tax delinquent properties in order to foster the public purpose of returning land, which is in a non-revenue-generating, non-tax-producing status. -
Liberty Theatre & Cultural Arts Center Advisory Board: The board is hereby created to provide advice and programming support for the operation of the Liberty Theatre & Cultural Arts Center which is a property of the consolidated government managed by the Civic Center Director and staff. The Liberty Theatre & Cultural Affairs Center’s primary purpose is to promote, preserve, enhance, and celebrate African American heritage, artistic expression & culture with a blend of live entertainment and artistic programming to include acting, directing, educating, playwriting, community programming, and creative partnerships. The Liberty Theatre & Cultural Arts Center Board shall serve in an advisory capacity to the director of the Columbus Civic Center for the consideration of policies pertaining to the Liberty Theatre & Cultural Arts Center and make recommendations for its operation and the advancement of the programs and facilities of the Liberty Theatre & Cultural Arts Center. The board shall consist of eleven (11) members. Members will be appointed by the Council with two of the eleven members being nominated at the recommendation of the Director of the Civic Center. Terms of office shall be four years. One of the eleven voting members will be a licensed CPA (Certified Public Accountant). The Deputy City Manager for Operations shall be a non- voting member serving in an ex-officio capacity. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Code, any member of the Liberty Theatre & Cultural Arts Center Advisory Board appointed prior to September 1, 2023, who is already sworn in and serving on another Board appointed by Council may accept the position without resigning from the other Board. In accordance with Ord. 24-057 members may serve on more than one Council appointed board.
New Horizons Behavioral Health- Mental Health, Addictive Diseases And Developmental Disabilities- Community Service Board
The purpose of the New Horizons Community Board shall be to govern publicly funded programs for the purpose of providing certain disability services. The New Horizons Community Service Board exists for nonprofit and public purposes, and it is found and declared that the carrying out of the purposes of each community service board, which shall be established as a public agency. The board shall hereafter be known as the New Horizons Community Mental health, Developmental Disabilities, and Addictive Diseases Service Board is exclusively for public benefit and its property is public property. The definition of "disability services" in these bylaws shall be identical to the definition of those terms spelled out in O.C.G.A. sections 37-2-2(4) and (4.1). The terms are three years and are not limited to two consecutive terms. In accordance with SB 349, the initial Board composition will be reduced from eleven to nine, one from each county we serve and two from Muscogee County. One optional member may be appointed by the Board. Elected officials from three counties providing the most funding to the agency, Muscogee, Harris, and Chattahoochee, will also be appointed to the Board.
-Serves 8 counties. -
There is only one board that is responsible for the administration of the city employee's pension funds. There are eleven members. Three members are designated by title. five members by name, one retired city employee and two members designated by a combined process of election and appointment from city department under the supervision of the City Manager and departments under the supervision of the Mayor in his capacity as Director of Public Safety. The five persons designated by name are selected by the Mayor and confirmed by the Columbus Council. Those members designated by titles are the Mayor, the City Manager and the Finance Director. The five members designated by name serve four years staggered terms of office. (Sec. 16A-13 (13.02) The two members designated by selection shall serve two-year terms of office. (16A-13) (13.02) Columbus Code, Sec. 16A-13 (13.01), 16A-25 (25.01), 16A-40 (40.01), 16A-53 (53-01) (Ordinance No. 11-23 removes the limitation of two full consecutive terms for this board.) (Ordinance No. 22-056 removes the residency requirement.)
Personnel Review Board was established to make recommendations on personnel rules and regulations, hear appeals from employees, and investigate conditions of employment and report thereon at least annually to the Columbus Council. It has five regular and five alternate members. All members are appointed by the Columbus Council. The terms are three years (Columbus Charter Sec. 4-610 and 8-303, and Columbus Code Sec. 16B-1-5)
Planning Advisory Commission
This board serves in an advisory capacity to the Planning Department and Council regarding the comprehensive plan, rezonings (amendments of the official zoning map), unified development code, modification of development approvals, special exception uses, and the official map of Columbus, Georgia. It has nine (9) members, which are appointed by the Columbus Council. The term is three years (Columbus Code, Sec. 9.2.3) -
The mission of the Public Safety Advisory Commission is to recommend resources, public safety practices and policies, and citizens' responsibilities needed to achieve a safe community to the Mayor, Columbus Council and our Public Safety Departments. The Commission shall be composed of eleven (11) members, ten (10) to be appointed by the Columbus Council and one (1) to be appointed by the mayor. Each member of the Commission shall be a resident of Columbus, Georgia. Five (5) of the initial members shall serve an initial term of one year and shall then be eligible to serve for two additional consecutive three-year terms. Six (6) of the initial members shall then be eligible to serve for two consecutive three-year terms. Other than those members serving an initial one-year term, members shall not serve more than two consecutive three-year terms. Once appointed, the Commission shall elect a chairperson to preside at its meetings which shall be held on a monthly basis. The Chief of police shall provide the Commission with clerical or administrative assistance. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this ordinance, members of the Commission shall serve at the pleasure of the Columbus Council.
Recreation Advisory Board serves in an advisory capacity to the director of the Department of Parks and Recreation for the considerations of the department and makes recommendations for its operation and the advancement of recreational programs and facilities throughout the city. It has eleven (11) members appointed by the Columbus Council, one member shall be the Athletic Director of the Muscogee County School District, one member shall be appointed by each district councilor, and one member shall be appointed by each of the two at-large councilors. Five year terms; EXCEPTION: The member nominated by the school board serves in an ex-officio capacity.
The purpose of the Region Six Regional Planning for Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities (Formerly West Central Georgia Regional Board) shall be to provide and facilitate coordinated and comprehensive planning and service delivery for the West Central Region in conformity with standards and procedures established by the Division of Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Substance Abuse. The West Central Georgia Regional Board shall establish policy and direction for disability services planning, delivery and evaluation, including outcome functions as may be provided or authorized by law. Membership of the West Central Regional Board shall be for a period of three years and until the member's successor is appointed and qualified. A member may serve no more than two consecutive terms. (The terms are three years)
The mission of the Retiree Health Benefit Committee is to advise and assist the Mayor and Columbus Council with respect to issues concerning the Retiree Health Plan and other benefits provided to retirees of the Columbus, Georgia Consolidated Government. The Retiree Health Benefit Committee shall be composed of six (6) members, one member appointed by the Mayor and four members appointed by the Columbus Council. The Committee shall contain at least three active members of the Columbus, Georgia Retiree Health Plan. The Director of Human Resources or his designee shall be an ex-officio member of the Committee. The Mayor’s appointee shall serve as Chair and shall serve a term of two years and the Council appointees shall serve for terms of three years. All appointees shall be eligible to serve two consecutive full terms. Ordinance 13-10 removes the residency requirements and the members of the Retirees' Health Benefits Committee shall be able to serve simultaneously on another board, commission or authority of Columbus, Georgia.
River Valley Regional Commission is an area wide board, consisting of members from 16 member counties. Columbus has two representatives. The mission of the River Valley Regional Commission as a local government organization of, for and by cities and counties within it's sixteen-county jurisdiction is to work together with member local governments for the betterment of all it's joint citizenry through visionary leadership, by the provision of cost effective services to member local governments, by promotion of quality growth through implementation of the Georgia Coordinated Planning Act of 1989 and other desired appropriate programs, by planning and implementing quality regional strategies, and through providing a collective approach to addressing issues of mutual concern to the regional community through consensus building.
This board is responsible for the Medical Center. It has nine (9) members which must be residents and qualified voters of Columbus. For each vacancy, the Columbus Council submits a list of three eligible persons to the Authority. From this list, the Authority itself selects one of the individuals to fill the vacancy. The terms of office is 5 years. (Ordinance No. 11-23 removes the limitation of two full consecutive terms.)
The Board shall prepare or update annually a written citywide tree master plan that guides the care, preservation, pruning, planting, replanting, removal, or disposition of trees on public lands. The plan shall consider existing and future utility locations and environmental factors in relation to existing and future tree species on public lands or on private lands, as provided in this Article or other applicable provisions of the Code. The Board shall grant appropriate variances and hear appeals from any decision of the City Arborist regarding the enforcement of this Article 6 of Chapter 4 regarding tree preservation and replacement. The Board shall make recommendations to the City Arborist and the Mayor and Council. The Board shall act on other matters designated by this Article or this UDO or by the Mayor and Council.
Appointments by the City Council shall be made so that seven members of the Tree Board consist of representatives from each of the following groups: (1) A public utility providing service within the City; (2) An educator employed by Columbus State University, the Muscogee County School District, or Columbus Technical College whose principal field of activity is science and/or the environment; (3) The Director or a Commissioner of Keep Columbus Beautiful; (4) A representative of the development or building community of the City working primarily in commercial or industrial development; (5) A representative of the development or building community of the City working primarily in residential development; (6) A representative of an environmental advocacy group headquartered in the City; and (7) A representative who is a landscape or forestry professional. The additional four members appointed by the City Council shall be appointed from the public at large. The City Arborist shall serve as an advisor and as an ex officio member of the board but shall not have the right to vote as a Board member.
Uptown Facade Board provides and protects continuity in design and preserves the architectural integrity of the properties within the jurisdiction. It has nine (9) members appointed by the Columbus Council, one member from the Historic Columbus Foundation, two members from Uptown Columbus, Inc., and six members from the Uptown Business Improvement District.
VALLEY PARTNERSHIP JOINT DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY has the mission of enhancing the development and promotion of commerce, trade, industry, and employment opportunities for the public good and to promote the general welfare of the Region. A total of 31 members from the counties with 4 members from Muscogee County. The terms are four years. CUSSETTA-CHATTAHOOCHEE COUNTY CITY OF WEST POINT HARRIS COUNTY MARION COUNTY MUSCOGEE COUNTY RUSSELL COUNTY, AL TALBOT COUNTY